So let me explain something. I love crazy sounding music. A lot, probably a bit too much. And when my friend introduced me to Los Campesinos! I pretty much jumped on them and was in love with their music instantly.
The group, from Cardiff, Wales has been together since 2006 and has released one full length album, Hold On Now, Youngster and two EPs, their most notable one being 2007’s Sticking Fingers into Sockets.
Their EP released the single, ‘You! Me! Dancing!’ and it’s a poppy little number that starts off slow and builds into an explosion of musical mayhem that my ears can’t seem to get enough of. Other tracks of interest from the Sticking Fingers into Sockets EP include; ‘We Throw Parties/You Throw Knives’ and ‘Don’t Tell Me to Do The Math(s).’ One thing is for sure, no two songs sound the same.
The full length CD, which was released for digital download on February 25th, 2008 for those in the UK, while the physical CD came out today, April 1st (No joke!) for those of us state-side. Thanks to iTunes, I got a few of the songs back in February, and they don’t disappoint. Hold On Now, Youngster has it’s share of great tracks as well, including ‘Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Broken Breakbeats’ and ‘Sweet Dreams, Sweet Cheeks.’
Although their sounds may not be music to everyone’s ears, give them a chance. If anything, it may strike up the sudden urge to dance around.
I think I'm so scared because I never really thought I was capable of loving someone, and then this summer, I realized I was. This guy meant more to me than I ever believed a guy could & I know this sounds naive and corny but, he completed me. We were best friends. After he dumped me, I was a wreck. I'm not sure I have really ever been able to pick up all the pieces, you know. And since then I compare every guy to him and want them to be him, I guess. And I get scared, freaking frightened, and I don't know what to do and I can't tell how I feel and IT SUCKS.
ALSO, I lost my 'Everything in Transit' CD. Could you burn it for me and bring it to class tomorrow?
I have a blank CD for youuuu.
I lub being friendz. You and me and Meg and Matt. We're the coolest.
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